Creates a list of psychTestRCAT options for use in the adapt_test function.

  next_item.criterion = "MFI",
  next_item.estimator = "BM",
  next_item.prior_dist = "norm",
  next_item.prior_par = c(0, 1),
  final_ability.estimator = "BM",
  constrain_answers = FALSE,
  avoid_duplicates = NULL,
  cb_control = NULL,
  cb_group = NULL,
  eligible_first_items = NULL,
  notify_duration = 5



(Character scalar, default = "MFI") Criterion by which the next item is selected; see the criterion argument of nextItem.


(Character scalar, default = "BM") Ability scoring method used for item selection; see the method argument of nextItem. Only "BM", "ML", "WL", and "EAP" are supported.


(Character scalar, default = "norm") Class of prior distribution used when estimating abilities for item selection; see the priorDist argument of nextItem.


(Numeric vector, length 2, default = c(0, 1)) Prior distribution used when estimating abilities for item selection; see the priorPar argument of nextItem.


(Character scalar, default = "BM") Ability scoring method used for final ability estimation; see the method argument of nextItem. The prior distribution (if relevant) remains the same as that used for item selection, i.e. that specified by next_item.prior_dist and next_item.prior_par. Only "BM", "ML", "WL", and "EAP" are supported.


(Boolean; default = FALSE) If TRUE, item selection actively balances the available response options. This only makes sense when the item bank contains only a small number of unique answers.


(NULL or character scalar) If not NULL, should specify a column of the item bank defining a categorical item feature for which duplicates should be avoided during item selection.


Content-balancing argument passed to nextItem.


Content-balancing argument passed to nextItem.


(NULL or integerish vector) If not NULL, lists the eligible items for the first item in the test, where each item is identified by its 1-indexed row number in item_bank (see adapt_test). For example, c(2, 3, 4) means that the first item will be drawn from rows 2, 3, 4 of the item bank).


(Numeric scalar) Defines the length of time for which item-by-item feedback messages persist on screen, in seconds. This is only relevant when the test is taken in admin or demo mode.


A list to be passed to the opt argument of adapt_test.